Life in Residence: Services, Activities, Support, and Community

Written by Annastatia Brooks

Thumbnail & Banner Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Living in a Residence while attending university is an experience unlike any other. Despite the stress of living on your own for the first time, the pressure of academic studies, the responsibilities that come with independence, and the social expectations, there is so much joy, community, and positive experiences awaiting you! The Residence Life team at Saint Mary’s University (SMU) ensures that all students feel accepted and engaged when living on campus.

This article will explore what Saint Mary's University's Residences have to offer, and the endless activities you can enjoy while living on campus. 

Residence Life

Whichever Residence you choose, there will no doubt be an SMU family waiting for you. Residence Life services offer amazing year-round activities! Res AfterDark is a program for students living in Residence, allowing them to get together and spend time with other residents. These activities take place every Thursday night, and could include game nights, crafts, bingo, or trivia!

If you are a student staying in Residence over the December break, the Residence Life team has your back. During the chilly days when the campus is empty, The Residence Life Programming Committee hosts events for everyone to come together to celebrate the break; whether it be a movie night or scavenger hunt, this is a fantastic resource for continuing connections over the holidays.

Plus, even if you stay on campus all summer, Residence Life activities are still available!

The Residence Life team also has two committees: the RainBEAU Committee and the Multicultural Committee. Get involved with them to make an impact in your Residence!



Your RA will play an essential role in your life on campus. RAs are required to have two floor meetings per month and host three floor events per month. Attending floor meetings is essential for learning all about what Residence life entails, and allows you to meet other floor members. Floor events are the fun part- your floor will help decide on a fun event to do as a group, such as skating, a movie night, or going to a café!

RAs do more than just look out for your floor. They are also in charge of planning RA Special Projects, which are events for students in all Residence buildings, such as the Residence Banquet and Residence Art Gala! Make sure to check out these great events as well, to connect with students from different floors and Residence buildings, and to support your RA!

Your RA can also help connect you with resources when needed, such as helplines, information on university events, important apps such as the SMU Safe App or the Halifax Transit App, and student resources. In case of an emergency, residents should call the Loyola Residence Desk directly at 902-420-5591 before contacting an RA.


RA Input 

The thoughts of an experienced RA about campus living can be valuable for students:

This interview has been edited for clarity.

Q: What types of events does Res Life offer?

A: “Res Life Offers inclusive, diverse, and welcoming events for all ages. We strive to host events to cater to all cultures that we have on campus.”

Q: What are the most important things that students living in Residence should do?

A: “Students living in Residence should try their best to be involved as it opens many doors and opportunities, and allows you to meet persons from all over the world. You get to share new experiences with them, which makes your time in Residence memorable.”

Q: What is your favorite part about living in a Saint Mary's Residence?

A: “My favorite part of living in Residence is being close to my classes in case I am running late, and having the opportunity to meet new people every school year.”

Q: As an RA, do you have any advice for first-time students coming to Saint Mary's to live on campus?

A: “My advice for first-time students living in Residence is to get involved after you have already settled in. Go to events to meet people, volunteer for events, or join a committee.”

In my experience, my RA has been essential for helping me to feel welcome and comfortable in a new environment away from home. Though the transition to living alone can be difficult, your RA will always be there to support you and ensure your comfort and safety throughout your stay at a SMU Residence.

Other activities 

If you are feeling adventurous, there are so many more exciting things to do and see on campus and in the local area! Here are just a few activities outside of residence and off campus to try:

  • Grab (or leave) a book at the little free library on Tower Road, just outside the Rice Residence building. 


Student Input

A student who has been living in Loyola Residence for two years has volunteered to share their thoughts on Res Life:

This interview has been edited for clarity.

Q: What has been your favorite part of living in a Residence?

A: “My favorite part has been the community I’ve gained. I have met some of my favorite people while living in Residence, people who I otherwise wouldn’t have met.”

Q: What were some of your favorite Residence activities you participated in with the Res Life team?

A: “The Res Life team organizes many craft nights, which have included bracelet making, scrapbooking, painting, etc., which I find are a great way to decompress during exams.”

Q: Would you recommend living on campus to future students?

A: “I would recommend it for first-year students since it is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the SMU community. I also find it simpler living on campus during the first year, not having to deal with finding an apartment and commuting to campus.”

Q: What is your favorite activity to do off campus near your Residence building?

A: “I like to go to the waterfront, which is just a 20-minute walk from SMU, where there is dancing every night from spring to early fall, many stores and food vendors, a great view of the harbor, and an overall very lovely ambiance.”

Living on campus opens the doors to deep connections and intimate friendships. The activities provided by the Res Life team and your RA are fantastic ways to engage with the one-of-a-kind community awaiting you in a Residence building.

On Residence, we came as strangers, but left as a family; the community that you meet and the friendships that you build will stay with you for the rest of your life. My closest friends I have today are people I met in Residence, and I wouldn’t have traded it for the world! I hope this article has given you some insight into activities and opportunities that await you at a Saint Mary’s University Residence building. To keep up to date on Residence activities, follow the SMU Residence Life Instagram page. If you’re interested in applying for a place in a SMU Residence, click here for more information!

Melissa Alvarez Del Angel