Six Benefits of On-Campus Employment

Written by Patrick Brown

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Many students in university seek out part-time jobs as a way to get extra income to help with tuition, rent, and groceries, among other things. I have worked on campus for the past two years, beginning with SMU Athletics as a part of their Game-Day Staff, and this year, I have been working as a contributor for the SMU Journal. From my personal experiences and conversations with other employees, I have noticed that finding employment on campus comes with many benefits that you cannot always achieve while working elsewhere.

  1. Proximity

One of the main benefits of on-campus work is proximity. This is very helpful for those living in residence or close to campus as getting to and from work takes very little time. Especially as a student, this makes it easier to manage your time for other tasks such as school work, extra-curricular activities, cooking, laundry, etc. With other jobs, the  commute to work takes time out of the day for other things, making it harder to get tasks done or relax. In my own case, I live a short walk away from campus, so the location is extremely convenient.

In a conversation with third-year student Lily Bowman, she reiterated this point by explaining that her jobs with SMUSA and SMU Athletics are convenient because she can pick up shifts before or after her lectures as she is already on campus.

Those living on-campus or nearby are not the only ones who can benefit from the work location. Those living farther away who have to commute by bus or car do not have to do extra commuting to get to work, as the location is at the same place they study. Finishing lectures for the day and starting work at the same place saves commute time that would have been necessary if working somewhere else.

2. Connections

One of the main benefits of on-campus work is that it allows you to meet more people at SMU and make new friends and connections with others. Since working for SMU Athletics, I have gotten to know lots of people that I may not have met otherwise. Depending on what your job is, you can meet people with shared interests; for example, working for SMU Fit can introduce you to others who are interested in fitness, or in my case, working for the Journal introduced me to other writers.

Jobs on campus can also help you get to know people you are already familiar with from certain classes or mutual friends, as it gives you something else to relate to and the opportunity to get to know them better. You can also help a friend get a job on campus by recommending them for hiring.

3. Being in the Loop

A great benefit of an on-campus job is knowing what is going on around the school. This includes being in the know for events, sports, and other campus activities. Since I began working for SMU Athletics, I have been a lot more informed about Saint Mary’s varsity sports teams and events surrounding the Athletics department. Being part of the Journal has kept me updated on all of the informative articles written by SMU students. Both jobs I have on campus have improved my experience at SMU as I feel more involved in what is going on.

Through my conversation with Lily, she highlighted that one of the main benefits of her work with SMUSA is being more connected to the school community, but also, importantly, that she now feels more informed and knowledgeable about what is going on around campus and the resources that are available to students. For those students who want to be more aware and up-to-date about campus activities and opportunities, finding a job on campus can help with that. Being more aware of these events and opportunities can enhance both the social and academic side of university life, giving you more opportunities to meet people and take advantage of helpful resources.

4. Hours and Flexibility

Working on campus can be perfect for those students who are looking for money on the side but cannot commit to many hours every week. In my experience, I have noticed that jobs on campus can be beneficial in allowing flexibility within class scheduling and the general busyness of student life. While talking with Lily, she pointed out that in her jobs with SMU Athletics and SMUSA, supervisors tend to acknowledge and understand students' schedules. In my own case, working with SMU Athletics and the SMU Journal allows me to be flexible depending on how busy I am with other obligations. They understand if I am unable to work certain days, and on the contrary, if I am less busy and want to work more, they can help me with that as well. I would argue that this flexibility is less common while working somewhere outside of campus, where they are likely less understanding of the busyness of student life.

5. Resume Booster

Having a job associated with SMU looks great on your resume. Future employers will see that you were dedicated to your school community and trusted by a university organization. This may help provide good references and land jobs in the future. A leadership role in an on-campus workplace, such as with SMUSA, Residence Life, or Teacher Assistant role, would elevate your resume even further.

6. Pay

Working part-time on-campus has helped me to pay for common student expenses, especially groceries. Some jobs on campus, such as being a Residence Assistant, can help pay for residence, which can be especially beneficial in a city like Halifax, where rent is generally high. Although most on-campus jobs may not pay more than some you can find elsewhere, I believe the benefits of working on-campus outweigh this factor.

Final Thoughts

For these reasons, I firmly believe that finding employment on campus is the best way to go for students looking for part-time work. My work with SMU Athletics and the Journal has enhanced my time at Saint Mary’s, and I’m positive this kind of work would do the same for other SMU students.

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