A Call to Remove the Confucius Institute on Campus

Written by Emily Chian*

Photo by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

We are lucky to be able to practice freedom of expression in Canada. But did you know there is an organization that has been widely reported in media outlets across the world of breaching this freedom? A part of that organization exists on our campus at SMU: the Confucius Institute.


Confucius Institutes offer language and cultural programs in Chinese, and partner with schools and universities all over the world. There are thousands of these institutes globally and they approach schools in the name of improving “relationships” and “deepening ties” with them. They provide teachers and learning material while the school gives them space and learners. However, Confucius Institutes are becoming widely regarded as a propaganda program by the Chinese government that indoctrinate students.

The Confucius Institute at SMU has been around since 2011. They were introduced through the university’s long ties with Xiamen University in China in the Asian Studies department, ties which has existed since 1975. The institute here is a joint venture with Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters), Xiamen University, and SMU. Recently in the news, individuals and groups in other cities have expressed concerns of the Institute being part of the Chinese government’s spread of soft-power and influence. For instance, critics called the institute a “trojan horse” for Chinese propaganda. 

Confucius Institutes are closely tied to the Chinese government, and many critics, including students and parents, have accused them of undesirable behaviour such as censoring historic facts. Evidence of this has been widely shared online. The institution's goals appear to be friendly and, on the surface, intended to deepen international relations between organizations. But conflicts have occurred in the past amongst schools and universities in the United States and Australia. The same is happening in Canada too.

There is a growing trend in Canada to close Confucius Institutes. McMaster University, Université de Sherbrooke, Toronto District School Board, and the New Brunswick Provincial Government have all cut ties with Confucius Institutes. Brock University announced the closure of the institute on their site. The Toronto District School Board closed theirs after a rally organized by parents and concerned groups. In 2013 the Canadian Association of University Teachers issued a statement and highly recommended schools to cut ties with them. 

The Confucius Institute mandates its teachers to forbid the following topics: Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Tibetan independence, Tiananmen Massacre, and the spiritual discipline Falun Gong that is presently banned in China. In one example in New Brunswick, students complained that their teacher refused to refer to Taiwan as an independent state. At McMaster University, a teacher was prohibited to continue her teaching position because she is a Falun Gong practitioner.

There are also concerns here in Nova Scotia. An online petition is calling for SMU to remove Confucius Institute and has received 129 signatures so far. Comments on the petition include that we do not need "values contrary to Canadian democracies and liberties." Keeping undesirable, and even threatening ties hurt our integrity and quality as an educational institution, and breaches freedom of expression and thought. 

Confucius Institutes can delude students and faculty by avoiding topics that the Chinese government dislikes to acknowledge. The Confucius Institutes’ agenda does not comply with Canada’s freedom of expression and respect for human rights. On July 14, Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray replied to a question about the institute during the Alumni in Conversation with the President webinar and said that the school’s ties with Hanban have ended. However, recent sources say that Confucius Institutes have changed names and now call themselves the Language Exchange and Cooperation Centre. This move means that although the name has changed, the nature and teaching curriculum are still the same. 

Back in 2014, an international SMU student from Tibet called the program a “propaganda setup” given the institute prohibits discussing accurate information about Tiananmen square and his homeland Tibet. In the interview with CBC, he said “as a human being, as pro-freedom of speech and living in a democratic nation, this is my duty.”

If you care about academic integrity, freedom of expression, and the future of SMU, learn what is going on and share this information with others. Tell classmates, professors, and management,  especially if you are in a  language and culture department. Sign the petition and tell SMU management this issue cannot continue to be considered acceptable. SMU’s contract with Confucius Institute is going to end by December and is pending renewal. This is a pressing time to expose these issues so they can be promptly and seriously addressed. 

We need to close these institutes from teaching lies and distorted facts to our school and community. SMU is responsible for inviting undesirable programs to the school, misleading students, and our credibility will be hurt. 

Saint Mary’s University’s Confucius Institute is a little hidden. You have likely walked past it in the hallways on the third floor of McNally Main by the Arts Commons, or seen its “English corner” ads stapled in the hallways. It quietly places itself in the same hallway beside the Arts Advising center, the Irish department, and the Dean’s office. It is definitely concerning that they are in such a high trafficked area when there are such widespread concerns with the organization and that the university continues to allow them a space to spread propaganda. 

*Disclaimer: This article has been edited for clarity, but the views expressed are those of the author, and may not necessarily reflect those of the SMU Journal.




















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