The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals: Actors on SMUDS


Written By Leah Oake

Thumbnail and Banner Photo from Team Starkid

I had the great honor of speaking to some incredibly talented actors as part of Saint Mary’s Drama Society’s (SMUDS) upcoming production of The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals. The actors I spoke to highlighted their personal experiences within the society and throughout the rehearsal process of the show. As a theatre lover myself I was curious to hear what their opinions were on the outlandish and eccentric show. I was eager to understand how they were able to take the material and make it their own. The description for this show reads: The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals is a horror-comedy show following Paul, an ordinary guy who doesn’t like musicals. His worst nightmare comes true when everyone and everything around him becomes a musical. He must team up with his friends (and his crush, Emma), to save the world and escape Hatchetfield. Join us and see this Show Stopping Number! It is inevitable that you will love it!” In addition, the Drama Society also highlighted a parental advisory concern in their description of the show, reading: “This show contains strong language, depictions of drug use, violence and sexual themes, please watch at your discretion.”

My purpose for this article was to focus on the actors who will be bringing this story to life on stage. Why did they choose this show? What are their characters like? How has their experience been throughout this production? Why should people see this show? I spoke to Belle Moore, Mikayla Hanlon, Samir Haroon, Meagan Sutherland, and Kanav Sharma, five of the crucial fundamental cogs that keep this show in tip-top shape. Each of the actors have had different stories surrounding their experience with SMUDS. Kanav Sharma and Meagan Sutherland both started with SMUDS in 2021. Meagan’s first show was and Kanav’s was Romeo and Juliet. Mikayla Hanlon was right behind them on the seniority scale, having done three shows with SMUDS in the last two years, Carrie the Musical, The Bachelorette Party, and now, The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals. Belle Moore came from being a stagehand (a person who moves scenery or props before or during the performance of a show) for Carrie the Musical, to now playing Deb, the stoner who is on her phone and head over heels for Alice Woodward. Samir Haroon is having his first experience with SMUDS! He expressed how he had a “deep yearning” to perform again after his previous show a year ago and auditioned for everything until SMUDS finally saw his talent and took a chance on the newbie. 

Samir Haroon plays Professor Hidgens. He expressed that the most interesting thing about Hidgens was how he used his “eccentric body movements” to communicate and create humor during different scenes. He chuckled when he realized just how much he was emphasizing this fact, he made his point clearer as he went on to say “if you are confused at all by this, come to the show, it will all make sense then.” Samir went on to explain the differences he felt with the SMUDS creative team compared to other theatre groups he had worked with.. He said, “I wanted to audition for the Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals because I’ve heard that SMUDS is welcoming and it has a stress-free but professional atmosphere.” A lot of the responses I got from questions about why someone auditioned for this SMUDS show centered around the atmosphere. “I find a lot of students get stuck in the rut of going to university to just do school. It’s great to have the Drama Society as a place to go, have fun, and have a project to work towards over a set duration.” Meagan Sutherland stated. University is an incredibly taxing and stressful time; having an outlet to reduce any ill thoughts and feelings is needed for the mentality of anyone (not just a university student). Mikayla Hanlon said, “I like that it is completely student-led and that it is a collaborative environment.” The creative team consists of a student-lead board of lighting technicians, sound technicians, a props team, a stage crew and stagehand team, an assistant stage manager, a stage manager, and a director. All these crucial roles are fulfilled by ambitious and passionate university students who are driven to produce really good theatre. 

The interviewed actors all play incredibly entertaining characters. Meagan is not only the show's fundamental ensemble member but also the show's dance captain! Meagan’s roles are to take notes of all the choreographed numbers and run dance calls with the actors. Meagan said she considered the smoke club kid her main role. She described the character as an easygoing teen who is the leader of Hatchet Field High’s smoke club (originally created by Emma Perkins). Mikayla Hanlon’s principal role is Alice Woodward. Hanlon described her as “a teenage sweetheart trying to find her place in the world while navigating her strained relationship with her father despite trying to figure out her own life.” Along with Alice, Hanlon plays a cop, a businessman, and an infected member of hatchetfield! Kanav Sharma plays Ted Spankoffski. He described him as “a core character but not an essential character so much so that he is the comedic relief. While he may not be an essential character he is still integral to the plot's trajectory. Considering this play is less focused on the narrative but more on the comedic elements and overall basic, easy-going humor – in that sense my character is very important. But morally speaking he is a really bad person. He may be cute in the confinements of the show. If we knew him in real life we would all hate him.” 

As I concluded my interviews I asked them why people should see this show. There was a general consensus among them all that consisted of them advocating for the humor and light-heartedness of the material. Belle said “it is so fun and entertaining,” while Mikayla spoke about the fun nature of the show considering it is “a commentary on musical theatre while being a musical.” Samir said “you will not get a chance to see this show in this way ever again. This show is not often performed, let alone with this cast.” 

This show is comedic, creepy, and a whole lot of fun! If you do not want to take my word for it, take the actors! Supporting local theatre allows the creative team and the actors to continue producing art and filling up the community with pure creative expressions! The community surrounding SMU is tight-knit and we, as the student body, should not only support SMUDS but all big events that societies put together at SMU. Events and opportunities will not be able to happen if these organizations and societies do not have support! The show will take place in the McNally Audditorum from March 19th-22nd! If the actors have convinced you click the attached link to buy tickets and check out the societies instagram to be kept up to date on all things theatre! 

Jacob Butler