Carrie the Musical – What to Expect From the Drama Society!
Written by Leah Oake
Thumbnail & Banner Photo by Annie Gavin on Unsplash
After finishing off with a fantastic year last April, the Drama Society made it their mission to put off an even better year from 2023-2024, and that is exactly what they're doing. The society announced in early September that this year they would be producing Carrie the Musical, based on the Stephen King novel. Carrie the Musical, is the story of a teenage girl grappling with the struggles of bullying and becoming a woman. She is faced with her religious zealot mother who wants to ‘protect’ her from the act of sinning in the most gruesome and horrific way. It’s fun, scary, and hilarious. From characters like the mean antagonist Chris Hargensen (played by Maggie Desaulniers) and the nice attempted heroine Sue Snell (played by Mikayla Hanlon) you are guaranteed to have a blast watching Carrie’s life unfold on stage! The two musical directors are Alex Phillips and Dylan Martin. Dylan is also the current President of the Drama Society, I asked him about his thoughts on how the experience is going so far. I asked Dylan a few questions pertaining to the production.
Leah: “How does this musical pertain to your society? Why was it a good investment to produce?”
Dylan: “Student societies have the potential to be so much more than a small club. Some larger university societies, such as Enactus, function as decently-sized non-profit organizations that give many people the opportunity to learn and be involved with their missions. With Carrie, it’s my hope that many will see the SMU Drama Society as a credible and reputable organization with something important to do – keep the performing arts alive”
I couldn't have put it better myself! With the drastic plummet of performing arts during COVID-19, it is crucial for the SMU Drama Society and other organizations outside of Saint Mary’s to keep pushing the thespian agenda. Read more about the effects of COVID on theater here!
Leah: “What is the most fulfilling part of this experience?”
Dylan: “As predictably cheesy as this is, I get the most fulfillment out of seeing the directors’ and actors’ smiling faces after these shows. It’s a secondhand fulfillment in a way, but it's very meaningful to be able to assist those in achieving something artistically great and to see their happiness as a result.”
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash
Theatre creates happiness, not in just the actors and crew but in audiences. Hearing astounding music sung and drenched with raw emotion is an unforgettable experience. Seeing a clean cut dance routine with a groovy tune and seeing the actors actually having fun while working is an unforgettable experience. Witnessing the climax of a show for the first time and being utterly shocked, saddened, or angry is an out of this world experience. Theatre is an incredible part of society and our history. Then I asked Dylan one last question:
Leah: “What do you want to tell people that should come and see the show? What should they expect?”
Dylan: “It’s important to know that at the end of the day the productions we do are student productions that are largely self-funded. We in no way compete with organizations like Neptune Theatre. That said, we have some great talent this year – notably some very strong singers in lead roles. I’m very confident they’re going to nail it. So come out and have some fun and support your local theater!”
There Dylan goes again with a perfect statement. Support local theater! In addition to the creative team I gotto speak with one of the notably strong singers in a lead role that Dylan was referencing, this benign Keria Melanson – playing Carrie White. Keria is a 20 year old student here at SMU who has been a theater fan and actor for years.
Leah: “What are your goals with this musical?”
Keira: “My goal auditioning for this musical was to find something that I could do outside of school. Something that made me feel like me. My goal now is to make this the best experience possible for the people involved and for the audience.”
Yes! Theater makes people happy! And where better to allow that to happen than at the SMU Drama Society. Keria shares the same story as many other once upon a time theater kids. People who want to be expected and a place where they can fully be themselves without any fear.
Leah: “What is the most fulfilling part about this experience?
Keria: “Being with the cast. The show itself is definitely a fulfilling experience, but it wouldn't feel that way if we weren't close as a case. The friendships you make in theater can last a lifetime.”
Photo by Kilyan Sockalingum on Unsplash
Theater friends last a lifetime! As a former theater kid I can attest to this. The friends you make when being goofy on a stage are ones that you truly cannot live without. Finally I asked Keria one more question.
Leah: “What do you want to tell people that should come and see the show? What should they expect?”
Keria: “This show is going to be absolutely amazing. Everyone is working so hard to make this happen and it’s paying off. Carrie the musical has an amazing story, an amazing score, and an amazing group of people to share it with the audience. They should expect to laugh and cry and overall to have a great time!”
I think that is a great take away! Carrie the Musical at Saint Mary's University is going to be incredible. You can catch the show on March 22nd, 23rd and 24th! The cast is incredibly talented and the creative team wants nothing more than to open up the doors of Saint Mary’s and let the crowds of people rush the seats. As the year progresses, we will check back in with the Carrie the Musical team. But for now, make sure you are keeping up to date with the SMU Drama Society’s social media as they have more exciting things in store for the year!