Ring in the New Year the Right Way

Written by Aiman Khan


Photo by Danil Aksenov on Unsplash

January 12th is the day you are most likely to give up on your New Year’s resolutions - according to a global study published by Strava in 2018. Of course, for some of us this comes as no surprise – New Year’s resolutions just don’t seem to work. 

However, it might not be the tradition that is at fault but rather our own overly-ambitious goals that are leading us to this mid-January slump. If you have been recycling the same goals for the past three years with no luck, it might be time to alter your approach. 



In all honesty, the inability to keep our New Year’s resolutions has little to do with the New Year. Traditionalizing the end of December as the time to set goals conveniently places the blame on the New Year when it’s time to exercise our restraint and willpower; and with the kinds of overzealous resolutions people are likely to come up with at the start of the year, it will take an iron will to follow them through. 

However, as any individual on a journey of self-development will tell you, setting goals is a part of the process of improvement. Without knowing and clarifying what it is that you want to change or introduce into your life, you are not fully focusing on what you want to achieve. Whether it is at the start of the year or in mid-July, it’s always a good idea to write down your goals and set a timeline for each.  



“I want to be healthier this year, and I want to finish writing that book I started three years ago.” 

I have been guilty of making such vague statements at the start of the year and I personally know many people who do the same. Setting two or more goals for a year can be challenging to follow through, especially when the semester is in full swing and you have assignments due every week and work shifts every weekend.

Instead of trying to achieve everything at once, be practical and commit yourself to one area that you want to change. It could be going to the gym more regularly, eliminating sugar and junk food from your diet or waking up earlier in the morning. 

Start with one single goal, be specific about what it is, and how you plan on monitoring your progress. If you goal is to indeed finish your epic novel, plan on finishing two chapters every month. Decide on how many pounds you would like to lose by the end of the year and start working towards that number. By being specific and focusing on one goal at a time, you are more likely accomplish it and move on to the next one. 



Silently following through on your commitments is admirable but not entirely necessary. Tell your friends and family about your goal and ask for their support; if you’re feeling extra courageous, you can even post it on social media!

Being vocal about what you want to achieve can help you immensely when the going gets tough. Friends, family and even social media followers can be a great source of support and a way to keep yourself accountable on the days when your motivation is lagging. 

If possible, buddy up with your friend or partner to tackle your goal. Make going to the gym a fun activity that you do together and you will see it less as a chore. Knowing that your friend is on the journey with you can be a powerful motivator in the long run. 



It takes anywhere from two to eight months to form a new habit. While the time frame may seem long when you’re just starting out, the months will pass by once the semester begins. Make sure to keep track of your progress, whether it’s on your calendar, your journal or an app. By continually reviewing your goal, you will be less likely to lose your focus.

Briefly review you goal at the start and end of every month, and less often once the habit is fully developed. You will still need to put in some time and effort into your habit once it’s formed, but you will have greatly maximized your efficiency by then and can start investing your energy into a new goal. 

Above all, remember that change doesn’t happen in a day. It is a continual process and we all slip up sometimes. As long as you are willing to shrug off the failures and put in the effort, you are well on your way to transforming your life this year!



Claire Keenan