A Letter from the Editor


Image from Saint Mary’s University Covid-19 Information webpage

To all the Saint Mary’s University Community,

As we try to settle back into our routines, as much as we can in the given situation, you may have noticed The Journal’s pages have not been afresh with news. As our contributors face the same struggles I am sure you are facing right now, we have given priority to their well-being and are supporting them as they settle back into the closest thing to normalcy that can be achieved in the current pandemic.

Be assured that our commitment to providing you with relevant and essential information about university life and all it entails has not dwindled; we are working hard to transition into this new life while trying to keep you informed of relevant and, hopefully, positive matters. The world is changing, and we are trying to change with it.

Stay safe and please stay home,

Diana Isabel Torres Goñi

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