The Canadian Psychic
Written by Aiman Khan
Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash
From the oracles of the early Greeks and the Sufis of the Caliphates to Nostradamus in the 16th century to the Romani people of today, psychics and mystics have fascinated the world through the ages. The enduring popularity of centuries-old practices like tarot/palm readings and astrology shows us that our beliefs may still very much be like our ancestors when it comes to the unknown. Whether you’re a skeptic who enjoys the occult with irony, or you’re a true believer, there’s something to be said about divination that just stirs up our curiosity.
Fortunately for us, we don’t have to travel thousands of miles like our ancestors did to find out what’s in store for us. Kentville, Nova Scotia, boasts the famous Edna Aker who, since the onset of the pandemic, has started doing readings over a video call. So, if you’d like to take a peek at what your grades might be this term, or want to see if your crush is finally going to slide into your DMs, this article might just be the thing for you.
Edna Aker
Edna Aker, the self-proclaimed Canadian Psychic, originally grew up in West Brooklyn. Card readings were a family activity for her growing up, but it was her second husband who encouraged her to go into business with it. Her talent led to the foundation of a faithful clientele, and later got featured in several documentaries. A truly private person, there isn’t much that you can find about her online. Despite having flown around the world to read the fortunes of the rich and famous, she’s very tightlipped about the identities of her clients.
I first heard about Edna Aker at a work party early last year. One-too-many Manhattans in, a coworker mentioned a tarot reader that she had seen a year or two previously. Apparently, the readings had come true despite my coworker’s initial doubt. My curiosity was piqued, and I later asked her for her contact information.
I was emailed back by Edna Aker’s assistant not long after my inquiry about an appointment. We settled on a date and time, and I was told I would be mailed a CD of our session following our appointment. This was so I had a copy of the reading that I could go through whenever I needed to. I was asked to stay in one place during the appointment and be fully visibly clothed. Her assistant also encouraged me to write down any questions that I might have prior to our appointment, in case I forgot them during the session.
The session itself could last anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour, for the price of $100 to be paid by card. I was told that an additional charge of $25 per 15 minutes of overtime may also be included upon Edna’s discretion. Since I had very little experience with readings of this type, I had no way of knowing if this would be considered an expensive session. Given the nature of the service, I didn’t really go into it with a budget in mind. In my opinion, it was worth the money.
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash
My Experience
We had our appointment over Facetime (due to COVID-19), around 11 am on a day later that month. Edna only asked me to say my name, after which I was requested to stay silent until the end of her readings. The readings themselves were a combination of tarot and energy cards, with even a brief appearance of a crystal ball (which more than made up for the price of the session).
At the end of the session, I was allowed to ask any number of questions that I had. While it was a conventional reading (as far as conventions go in such practices), there are some concessions for those who are into New Age beliefs like Starseeds, Otherkin or rebirth. I myself did not have any substantive discussions of the like with her, but a friend who had also had an appointment later confided that they went over some of her ‘past lives.’
Within five days of our session, I received the audio recording of my readings in the form of a CD. For those that are possibly thinking of setting up an appointment, I would advise you to record on your end too just in case you don’t have a DVD player or the audio is patchy.
Did it Come True?
I don’t know how much of what she told me will come true, given that her predictions are scheduled to materialize later in the year.
I will mention that some of the things she brought up were surprisingly accurate. She predicted some parts of my personality that even my close friends aren’t aware of. Cold reading? I wouldn’t be surprised, knowing how impressive that art can be. Of the readings that I don’t mind disclosing, she gauged I would be moving out of my apartment soon, and travelling later in the year (both of which were tentative plans at the time, and have only now become more concrete).
Is this confirmation bias? Possibly. But where’s the fun in ruling out the unknown? I’d like to believe there was something mystical about the experience, even if science won’t back me up on this one. All in all, the experience itself was a novel one for me, and something I would recommend if you have the budget for it. If you’re inclined to the supernatural, who better to turn to than this local business with the acclaim of an international clientele?
I can’t yet verify the validity of her psychic ability as only time will tell which of her predictions will come true. Hopefully, they’re the good ones.