What makes the Sobey School of Business Appealing to New, and Returning Students? A perspective from Ryan Clark, returning student of Saint Mary’s

Written by Simon Auffrey Arsenault 

Thumbnail & Banner Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Saint Mary’s University is an undergraduate and graduate post-secondary institution located in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and has been offering quality education and opportunities to its students since it began operations in 1802. In 1998, the Sobey School of Business officially opened, to accommodate the needs of business students and has since been able to offer education to thousands of individuals, such as Ryan Clark, who is returning to Saint Mary’s to obtain a degree in business, having already completed a Bachelor of Science Degree in 2023.

For context, Ryan Clark began his studies at Saint Mary’s University in 2019 in the Bachelor of Science (BS) program, along with a diploma in Engineering. He completed his bachelor’s in 2023, where after having found an interest in economics, he decided to enroll in the Sobey School of Business, to complete a post-baccalaureate certificate in applied economics. He is also returning to the classroom for the 2024-2025 academic year, for preparatory courses for his application to be enrolled in the Chartered Professional Accountants’ school. 

During my recent interview with Ryan, I wondered about his experience as a student transferring from one faculty to another, as for many individuals, it can be a difficult and challenging experience to get settled in their new department. I got the chance to ask an array of questions, relating to what he believes makes Saint Mary’s business program attractive to future students, and how it helps students succeed in their endeavors. Down below, you will find Ryan’s experience, advice, and opinion on the topic.

Based on his path, I wondered what specifically attracted Ryan to the Sobey School of Business. Throughout his studies in various disciplines, he has admitted that he has felt, and continues to feel that he has a sense of belonging on the university’s campus and a certain feeling of a close-knit community, which has made it easy for him to continue his studies at Saint Mary’s, despite being in a different field from his original program.

Along with that certain familiarity and sense of belonging, Ryan admitted that throughout his studies in all fields, he feels he had and continues to have caring, open-minded, and helpful professors to guide him through any challenges he may have experienced. He also noted that the caring aspect expanded to the faculty itself, and sensed that Saint Mary’s University takes an interest in its students on a more professional level, and not just on an academic level. To him, it is important that as a student, the post-secondary institution you frequent has an interest in you, as it reinforces the sense of belonging felt at the university as previously mentioned.

Along with getting to know what attracted him to the Sobey School of Business, I was also curious to get his advice for new students, or students who are changing paths, who may be struggling to adjust to a new field. Ryan admitted that he struggled to adjust when beginning his post-secondary studies, as soon after having begun, the world was faced with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The pandemic, as many are aware, carried on for just over 2 years, until 2022, when restrictions started lifting, and students could begin interacting more normally than before. Considering that students are now able to interact since health restrictions have been lifted, Ryan highly recommends getting involved in societies, such as ENACTUS Saint Mary’s, The Sobey School of Business Commerce Society, along with many others, and extracurriculars related to the program you are in. Based on his experience, being involved allows you to develop skills and create connections that you can apply on both an academic and professional level.  Additionally, you will also be able to create new friendships along the way, as in his opinion, going through university alone is something that no one should experience. 

Extracurriculars aside, Ryan also had a few tips for new, or returning students to the Sobey School of Business, and Saint Mary’s University as a whole: Keep an open mind, enjoy yourself, pick different courses to find your true interest, and you shall experience a fun time during your studies at Saint Mary’s!

Melissa Alvarez Del Angel