Prospective Alumni Perspectives
Written by Simon Auffrey Arsenault
Thumbnail & Banner Photo by Simon Auffrey Arsenault
Being a university student is something that we can all take pride in. By studying in a certain field, we are gaining skills and knowledge for our field of interest, thus giving us higher chances of securing employment in a field which meets our values. Upon graduation, many individuals remain involved within their university’s community, due to having a positive experience, as was mentioned in a previous article from the journal, where Zach MacIsaac, a current alumnus described his satisfaction with his time at Saint Mary’s. However, what makes students want to become an active member of the alumni community? I asked students in their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of studies at Saint Mary’s respectively to find out their perspective.
2nd Year:
Hanna Johnston, B’Comm:
Hanna is a second year student at Saint Mary’s University, with the goal of majoring in Accounting. She can be found on campus giving PAS Sessions for the MGSC 1205 course, in the commerce society office, where she is the financial director, or out and about with friends. Hanna has been chosen for this interview as she is a very good example of a successful individual both socially and academically.
Q. What do you believe being an alumnus is?
Hanna: I think of it as a graduating class, the feeling of knowing you are a graduate from a school, otherwise I don’t see it as being more than that. It can also be seen as a means to meet up with peers.
Q. Do you plan on being an active member of the alumni community at Saint Mary’s?
Hanna: I don’t really know what they do, so in my case probably not.
Q. What factor(s) have impacted your choice?
Hanna: I just don’t know enough about alumni events and resources. What is that alumni can do or are? I am aware of some events but that’s about it.
Q. Do you feel that current alumni resources are sufficient for students to be interested?
Hanna: No, because there is a lack of promotion from Saint Mary’s.They are doing a good job promoting events, not so much for alumni services. If promoted, I would take advantage of it.
Q. Do you feel that alumni’s donations and involvement should be better recognized by the university?
Hanna: Yes. People who put in the effort and monetary resources, a lot of SMU graduates work for the university. Make designated spaces for alumni, along with bigger events rather than sit down talk events to promote interest.
Juliana Richards, B’Comm:
Juliana (Jules) Richards is a 2nd year student in the bachelor of commerce program, with the intention of majoring in Human Resources. Besides her studies, she is also an RA (Residence Assistant) in the Loyola residence on campus, along with being involved in many societies on campus. She has been chosen for this interview as she as well fits the picture very well of a high achieving student in both academic and social aspects.
Q. What do you believe being an alumnus is?
Juliana: An alumnus is a student who graduated, either recently or in the past, and offers support and guidance to current students who are navigating their academic careers.
Q. Do you plan on being an active member of the alumni community at Saint Mary’s?
Juliana: I feel like it is definitely something to consider, especially given my involvement on campus whether it be in societies/clubs, or in other regards. I feel like having a wider variety of university involvement would allow me to be a valuable potential alumni. Given the impact that other alumni have had on me , I want to carry this impact forward.
Q. What factor(s) have impacted your choice?
Juliana: I have attended various networking events, oftentimes where a guest speaker would be an alumnus, and feel that they offer valuable insight and guidance, due to the fact they have similar experiences, in similar circumstances. I feel they have guided me and given me important tips and advice on how to navigate university, which is something I would look forward to doing if I were given an opportunity.
Q. Do you feel that current alumni resources are sufficient for students to be interested?
Juliana: Honestly, I have not been seeing enough opportunities where current students can meet alumni. I have mainly met alumni through word of mouth, or exclusive invitations. Larger or more frequent events with alumni as guest speakers/hosts would be beneficial to correct this issue.
Q. Do you feel that alumni’s donations and involvement should be better recognized by the university?
Juliana: Absolutely. They have a big impact on our learning and involvement at SMU, and their donations are often put towards making our paths, and making our success more attainable. They are doing us a service by donating and such acts of kindness should be recognized more openly.
3rd Year: Noah Parsons, B’Comm
Noah Parsons is a 3rd year student in the bachelor of commerce program, through the “2+2” initiative offered between NSCC and SMU, and is majoring in accounting. Noah brings a wealth of experience through his academic journey, having started his studies at Dalhousie University, to move on to NSCC, and now Saint Mary’s. By having acquired all these experiences, I believed him to be a great individual to interview to gather his insight.
Q. What do you believe being an alumnus is?
Noah: An alumnus is being part of a community of graduates. It leaves a connection between all graduates that spreads across all Canada and the world.
Q. Do you plan on being an active member of the alumni community at Saint Mary’s?
Noah: My plan is to move away to another province after graduation, so I may not be as active. However, I hope my alumni status can help me if I ever meet another Saint Mary’s Graduate!
Q. Do you feel that current alumni resources are sufficient for students to be interested?
Noah: I believe so. Having events across the country rather than just Halifax focused helps with making members feel connected to the university. However, I do wonder if there is enough of an effort made to connect graduates directly together for networking purposes.
Q. Do you feel that alumni’s donations and involvement should be better recognized by the university?
Noah: Yes. Gifts to the university are an above and beyond step that alumni can give. Choosing to give a donation should prompt even a bit of acknowledgement somewhere unless the donor wishes otherwise.
4th Year: Jay Blake, B’Comm
Jay Blake is a 4th year economics major student at Saint Mary’s. Jay’s main motivation other than studies is his role within the commerce society, as he is one of their co-presidents. Since taking on the role, he has had the opportunity to create captivating, and creative events for students in our university’s community, in an effort to engage us better. By being involved on campus in such a manner, I felt it was crucial to gather his insight on what happens after graduation, and see whether or not he plans on being involved as an alumnus.
Q. What do you believe being an alumnus is?
Jay: I think generally if we are going by definition being an alumni is someone who obviously graduated, and shows some degree of support financially, or is active in activities hosted by the university (i.e homecoming, golf tournament), willing to go back to do stuff, be in societies, etc. I guess on a broader level it is remaining connected to uni.
Q. Do you plan on being an active member of the alumni community at Saint Mary’s?
Jay: Tricky question. In some ways yes, some ways no. It would have to depend on what is offered (i.e., homecoming), some events seem fun, however not worthwhile to pull me back. I currently have a high level of involvement in the commerce society as you may know, so if events revolved around the celebration for commerce society I would come for that.Also if I am living in town, why not?
Q. What factor(s) have impacted your choice?
Jay: Where I am looking at myself in life, I don’t see myself caring enough to attend events if they do not seem worthy, looking at how SMU is standing itself - based on my experience, I have been able to create a lot of events at SMU already through the Sobey School of Business Commerce Society. I know what is entailed to them, meaning there aren't many new events for me. I personally feel that I don’t have much patriotism towards SMU, as my experience doing my bachelor’s degree had big ups and downs, big downs, such as the rough financial year which caused the student experience to get damaged, along with scholarships and international students.
Q. Do you feel that current alumni resources are sufficient for students to be interested?
Jay: I don’t think there is much towards students for alumni collection, talking to friends who graduated, they don’t know anything from alumni, only getting emails asking for monetary donations, no transition to introduce to alumni example: commerce society interest in attending homecoming. I would like to point out I am a unique case, as I am already supporting SMU as an alumnus with a scholarship, which will be paid out once yearly for 5 years to students who have a good extracurricular background, such as commerce society. My primary motivation behind this was some of the larger events hosted by the SSBCS, such as the business dinner.
Q. Do you feel that alumni’s donations and involvement should be better recognized by the university?
Jay: Yes. The only real alumni I recall are people who have names on buildings, scholarships, etc. The biggest donors deserve accreditation and acknowledgement, as there is nothing else much showing alumni. Individuals won’t know who funded their scholarships. I do not know of a good way to get that implemented due to the high amount of scholarships. News of individuals accomplishing big things should be posted, and the alumni website should be kept up to date.
Author’s Opinion:
By interviewing students who are at various stages of their degree programs it was possible to see that the majority of them had two things in common. One is that the university needs to increase the engagement, and upkeep of alumni events, and resources, among other things to ensure that they are properly recognized for their accomplishments, and that the alumni community can grow stronger than what it is today. It is also important to note that all interviewees agreed on the fact that donations from alumni members need better recognition, as every year, all post-secondary institutions are given huge amounts of monetary donations from their alumni students, without any proper recognition. By giving donors recognition, or an incentive to donate, we could perhaps increase the amount of students who decide to remain involved within that community of graduates, and be involved at university events, or perhaps find a career, as many individuals have upon graduation. Being a student from a specific university gives an individual a sense of belonging, and identity. Motivating students to remain involved, offering creative and captivating ways to be a part of future students’ experiences, or mingle with past classmates is required from our university, which unfortunately does not meet those requirements.
Picture sourced from Saint Mary’s University Alumni Facebook Page
The Alumni society at Saint Mary’s needs a makeover, to engage its members, and ultimately grow the amount of individuals choosing to be involved. Spending 4 years or more at a post-secondary institution will create lifelong memories and friendships for many, and by having an easy, and strong connection between its members would perhaps benefit individuals, and possibly have a higher impact on future generations of students.
To readers of this article; If you would like to share your thoughts on our current alumni resources, or your plans on becoming a member, please reach out to myself at I would love to hear from you.